Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Los Sun Still Sets in the West

I am personally not a fan of what’s taking place in Phoenix at U.S. Airways arena this evening. The Phoenix Suns’ players will be wearing jerseys bearing the name “Los Suns” on the front in honor of its Latino community and also in protest of Arizona’s Immigration law recently passed on April 23rd. The Phoenix Suns waited to break out the uniforms until tonight which just so happens to be Cinco de Mayo; a holiday that means little to Mexico, but a revenue generator for the United States. Can we really call tonight’s jersey choice a political protest? Not a Chance!!

If the NBA wanted to create awareness around the controversial new law, they would have chosen to make a much different statement. Phoenix along with Dallas, San Antonio, Chicago, Miami and Houston all wore similar jerseys to recognize the Latino community earlier in the season. The NBA would have had these teams wear the special Latino jerseys late in the first round, and really focused on the Suns vs. Spurs series in the second round since both teams play in high Latino populated areas. The only reason why the NBA is allowing these jerseys to be worn is simply because it's the 5th of May, better known as Cinco de Mayo here in the States. Looking to make a statement as an organization, Phoenix should continue to wear the jerseys for the remainder of the playoffs, not just for game two vs. San Antonio.

The NBA doesn't want to get involved as the popular debate continues on whether sports belong in politics. Had the NBA wanted to get involve and stand behind the Phoenix Suns they would have manufactured the “Los Suns” jerseys and partnered with an organization and donated all proceeds generated by the jerseys to a worthy cause. It didn’t happen, and the NBA is more focused on the sport and their brand rather than pushing political agendas. It will be interesting to see what uniforms the Suns wear from here on out. I’m betting that they don’t wear these jerseys again…especially if they lose!

Phoenix looked at this as an opportunity to generate publicity with the hopes of increasing ticket sales. In the first round of the playoffs against Portland, the Suns had a difficult time selling out their arena. They had to rely on same day ticket sales, and enthusiastic Blazer fans to fill their seats. I'm okay with Phoenix wearing the jerseys, but wear them in recognition of the Latino culture in the area, and use that as your marketing platform, not the controversial immigration law to fill your arena.

Tequila: It's a Party in my Mouth!!

As we gear up to celebrate Mexican/Hispanic culture and heritage here in the United States today, we need to make sure that people understand why this day is so significant. Mexico’s army defeated the French in 1862 at the Battle of Puebla. While the French have never bragged about their military presence and seem to lose every battle ever fought, it doesn't stop Americans from marketing the 5th of May as a celebration. Cinco de Mayo is a day in which we consume copious amounts of Mexican food, Corona or Dos Equis, and the much loved Tequila.

In the week prior to today, 1800Tequila has stepped its game up in the advertising world. Advertised as classy sipping tequila, they are trying to associate themselves with the upper echelon like Patron. An advantage 1800 tequila has over Patron is that it isn't referenced in horribly written hip-hop songs (this also works against them). They are a different brand from Patron, but offer a classy logo and bottle similar to Patron. In my opinion, neither brand should be able to portray Tequila as a sipping beverage.
First of all, the terms "sipping" and "tequila" are mutually exclusive; they cannot happen at the same time. If tequila actually created a party in my mouth, then why does it require two chasers; salt before and a lime after? You slam the 1.5 ounces of tequila down your throat so you can get it over with! Have you ever heard anyone order tequila on the rocks no salt no lime?

Even a classic margarita requires Triple Sec, lime juice, and sour mix along with 1.5 ounces of overpowering tequila. Most people will opt for blended flavored margaritas since they can’t taste the tequila behind the artificial flavoring of strawberries. Some continue to drink tequila for the effects it has on their body, and others drink it hoping that it leads to a party in their mouth just like nicorette gum does for Jessica Simpson.

Just because it’s physically impossible to sip tequila, doesn't mean we can’t appreciate the Washington Husky band for their rendition, and the brilliance behind the marketing campaign that is 1800Tequila. The Game will never change, but that won’t stop them from trying!!